Tuesday 21 May 2013

Waiting for Samples

A lot of time on this project has been spent waiting for samples to arrive that I have ordrered from various companies. Because of the fact that I am researching in to fabric rather than knowing exactly what to purchase, I am not going to spend money on an item without having samples delivered first. I don't want to make the mistake of ordering materials that I think is approproate to then find out that I have spent a lot of money on a product that isn't what I was looking for, so it seems like the more sensible thing to do. The problem with this is that some of the companies that I have ordered from have been behind on their deliveries, which has then had a knock on effect on my time schedule as I have not been able to purchase some of the main materials that I need in order to progress. I have been sourcing fabric from many different sites, as well as mandors and comparing the prices, but it isnt they same as having a physical piece to touch and analyze. This process has taekn much longer than I'd expected as I did not take in to account that fact that there might be problems like these along the way that would ultimately affect my schedule. If I was to go back I would have given myself more time to research fabric earlier in the project so that by the time I cam round to construction I would have everything ready for me to start stright away. However, as I said before, it has taken me a long time to research in to materials therefore I couldnt really have ordered samples any sooner than I did. I think that in future this it an aspect which I will have in the back of my mind when I am planning to order material for a project, I will make sure to give myself plenty of time so that I am not waiting around and so that it doesnt put my time schedule out of sync. This has been quite a significant learning point about organisation which I will take on board for future projects.

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